If you�re feeling a bit daunted about setting off backpacking on your own, how about travelling with a friend rather than alone? The pros and cons of this way of travel are set out here.

Setting off with a mate can be a great way to travel - a fabulous shared experience between two good friends. The advantages are clear; apart from the companionship, camaraderie and familiarity that�s a given, you�ll also have two heads to put together on getting from A to B, deciphering maps, sharing tasks or sniffing out scams, and two pairs of eyes looking out for your security and belongings. From a financial point of view, you can generally share twin rooms for prices cheaper than two singles, or even cheaper than two dorm beds in some hostels.

Sounds great! So what could possibly go wrong?

Life of the road has a way of rubbing you up the wrong way at times. Whether it�s a crap Lonely Planet map that eventually leads you to a hostel that no longer exists, an untimely Bangkok traffic jam when you�re late for your flight or even just a wave of homesickness, tempers can fray and moods can swing and if you�re travelling with someone else they�ll get the brunt of it (and in return you�ll get all their angst). It�s possible you�ll be with your travelmate 24/7; you may soon get sick of the sight of them, or feel restricted by their presence, especially if you are the 'decision maker' and they play more of a 'limpet' role. You�ll also need to make concessions; time and financial limitations might inevitably mean you won�t be able to go where you both want to, meaning some sort of compromise unless you can agree to part for some time and meet up again. Romance can also throw a spanner in the works. You or your friend may fall for that Thai girl or that bandana-wearing Canadian with the guitar - and all rational thought will go out the window...

This is not intended to put you off from travelling with a friend � rather, to prepare you for what might happen � however unlikely. I know a couple of friends that to this date have never spoken to each other again after a tiff whilst travelling together. I�ve also met countless traveller pairs that I couldn�t possibly imagine travelling individually, so well they bounce off each other and just work as a unit.

I�d suggest two things to improve your chances for a successful trip. Firstly, think long and hard about the person you�re planning on travelling with. Will you get on in such close proximity to each other? Are they easy going? Are they too bossy? Are they too lazy and will just let you do all the hard work? Are your budget expectations similar? Travelling with someone who watches every dime and wants to stay in fleapit accommodation when you have a bit more to spare and fancy some comfort can really be a flashpoint. All things considered, will it work between you?

Secondly, be upfront with each other about how things will to work between you on the road. Discuss your plans and expectations with each other. How tied to the hip will you be? Are you both prepared to go your separate ways for a few weeks if need be? How do you plan to share the responsibilities of travelling? Casually talk through scenarios that might occur. The more you are prepared, the more likely your trip together will be a great success and one to remember - for the right reasons.

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